Is the Machine Learning Boom Leaving SME Real Estate Companies In The Dust?

Overcoming Cost Barriers

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Today I’ll be exploring:

  • Do the costs of machine learning outweigh the benefits?

  • The best tools for training your machine learning model without breaking the bank

  • The applications of machine learning in real estate

While industry giants have extensive resources and access to cutting-edge technology, smaller businesses often face the challenge of keeping pace. Is this powerful technology reserved for the big players, or can smaller real estate businesses realistically harness its potential?

This week’s edition addresses the question of affordability and explores the financial feasibility of machine learning for small and medium-sized real estate agencies, developers and investors. We'll investigate the costs, potential ROI, and whether the benefits outweigh the investments. If you're an SME in the real estate industry, this analysis will help you make an informed decision about integrating machine learning into your business strategy.

What is Machine Learning?

Imagine a seasoned realtor who learns the local market by experience, who understands the demands of the local area and learns new information by speaking to customers and by remaining in a constant cycle of learning and improving. That’s essentially how we can train machines to learn.

Machine Learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables machines to learn from data and make predictions based on that data. These Machine learning ‘models’ use algorithms and statistics to analyse data and identify patterns, trends and insights that can help you make informed decisions.

By feeding our machine learning algorithm historical property data, it can be tailored to predict property prices, forecast market trends and even target potential buyers more easily. Each model we train, is tailored to a specific use case and application within our workflow.

Applications for Machine Learning in Real Estate

That leads us on to exploring the most practical use cases of this amazing technology.

Lead Generation: By analysing user behaviour and preferences, machine learning can help you identify potential leads like properties, land or acquisitions and provide personalised recommendations to clients based on their pre-defined criteria.

Risk Assessment: Machine learning models can assess the risks associated with real estate investments by analysing factors like market conditions, property characteristics, and financial data. Property investors can use this type of model as part of their due diligence process to minimise the risks involved in transactions of all sizes.

Property Valuation: Automated valuation models powered by machine learning can provide more accurate property valuations by considering a wide range of variables such as location, property size, amenities, and market trends to predict the most accurate selling or rental price for a property. Brokers, appraisers and surveyors can make use of this technology in their workflow.

Fraud Detection: Machine learning algorithms can identify red flags in customer behaviour and inconsistencies in data that may indicate a transaction is potentially fraudulent. This can be used to improve internal security measures and the approval process for verifying buyers and sellers.

Market Trends Forecasting: Real estate agencies and property developers can use machine learning to analyse historical data and predict future market trends, allowing them to make strategic decisions on future acquisitions recognise patterns in purchasing behaviour to stay ahead of the competition.

Challenges in Adopting Machine Learning

Implementing machine learning comes with various challenges that need to be carefully considered. These challenges can impact the successful integration and utilization of machine learning technologies within real estate businesses.

The Cost of Implementation and Integration

The cost of implementing machine learning systems can be a significant barrier for SME real estate businesses. Investing in the technology itself, as well as the resources required for integration and maintenance, can be financially challenging.

From acquiring the necessary hardware and software to hiring skilled professionals, the upfront costs can be unattainable. In order to overcome the cost barrier, it’s best to tailor an existing model to your data. Continue reading for my recommendations that will help you create a customised model, trained on your data so you can eliminate the cost associated with training ML models by the hour, training staff and updating systems without compromising on the quality of technology.

Data quality and quantity requirements

Machine learning algorithms rely heavily on data to generate accurate predictions and insights. SME’s often struggle with the quality and quantity of data needed to train these algorithms effectively. Limited access to comprehensive real estate data sets can hinder the performance of machine learning models and lead to less reliable outcomes. Ensuring data accuracy, completeness, and relevance poses a challenge for SMEs looking to implement machine learning in their operations. Strategies for collecting, cleansing, and augmenting data need to be developed to address these challenges.

Skill gap and training needs

The skill gap within SME real estate businesses poses a significant challenge when adopting machine learning technology. Building and maintaining machine learning systems require specialised skills that may not be readily available within small companies. Training existing staff or hiring new talent with expertise in data science, machine learning, and programming is essential but can be time-consuming and costly. Providing continuous training and upskilling opportunities to employees to bridge the skill gap is crucial for the successful integration of machine learning technologies within SME real estate agencies.

Navigating these challenges requires a strategic and proactive approach to ensure that SME real estate agencies can harness the power of machine learning effectively. Overcoming these obstacles will not only enhance operational efficiency but also drive innovation and competitiveness in the dynamic real estate industry.

Cost Benefit Analysis

By evaluating the initial investment required against the potential long-term gains, you can make informed decisions about integrating this technology into your operations.

The initial investment in adopting machine learning tools can seem significant for SME’s because there are costs associated with acquiring the technology, training staff, and integrating it into existing systems. However, it's essential to look beyond these upfront expenses and focus on the long-term benefits that machine learning can offer. Over time, the efficiency gains, improved decision-making, and enhanced customer service facilitated by machine learning can result in substantial returns on investment for real estate businesses.

One key aspect of the cost-benefit analysis for real estate companies considering machine learning is comparing the efficiency gains and cost savings it can bring about.

Do the savings made due to reduced manpower requirements, minimised errors, and optimized resource allocation outweigh the potential costs?

Can you increase the volume of appraisals, instructions and acquisitions as a result of implementing machine learning?

When measuring the costs against these potential efficiencies and savings, businesses can better understand the financial implications of adopting machine learning technology.

Cloud Based Solutions & SaaS Tools

A great way to incorporate machine learning into operations is to work with automated machine learning tools (AutoML). AutoML makes the process of validating and building machine learning models automated and accessible to non-technical and citizen users. This means you don’t have to hire a team of machine learning engineers and data analysts to bring your model to life, these platforms make it possible to access machine learning with little to no data analysis experience and often with no coding required.

Platforms that provide you with these pre-built machine learning models and enable you to customise them for your real estate use case without extensive infrastructure investment or coding include:

IVP: Ideal for small to medium companies who want simple pricing and easy access to advanced models with simple data management and powerful analytics. Create custom AI models trained on your own data with no coding required.

Graphite Note: Ideal for teams with some data analysis expertise who want to train ML models on their own data and gain predictive, customer and revenue insights within a single dashboard. An affordable option with a wide range of statistical analysis options available.

Pecan: Ideal for business users with no machine learning experience. Build a predictive machine learning model within 15 minutes and deploy your model within hours.

Google Cloud AutoML: Create your own custom machine learning model in minutes. Best suited to companies who want to build, deploy and scale their machine learning efforts to integrate into internal applications or SaaS products.

Azure Automated ML & Azure AI: Best suited to medium sized companies who already use the Microsoft infrastructure and want to build an enterprise solution that integrates with their existing resources. Gain access to some of the most advanced pretrained ML data analysis models via Azure Automated ML or deploy an existing Azure AI service in your application.


The best way to start is to adopt a phased approach to implementation, begin with pilot projects or small-scale applications to demonstrate the value of the technology. Gradually introduce machine learning capabilities into specific areas of your operations so you can manage the costs and risks effectively while learning how to optimise the tools for your unique business needs. Develop a scalability plan from the outset to ensure machine learning initiatives can grow alongside the business as more resources become available.

In conclusion, it is essential that you continually monitor and evaluate your progress by measuring the impact of your machine learning initiatives and adjusting your strategy when necessary. By adopting a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, you can stay relevant and competitive in the ever changing real estate market.

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